Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I'd rather give birth again

Saturday, September 15, 2007

I would rather give birth again!

I guess I should start from the beginning........ I was 8 and with my parents at one of there friends house. Well as usual all the kids were told to go to the basement. (If only they REALLY knew what all went on down there.. lol) The basement had that slippery cement. I was running away from a boy who was trying to kiss me. (looking back now... I should have stopped and laid a kiss on that boy that he would never forget!) anywhoo... so as I was running i fell flat on my face, cracking my 2 front teeth.

25 years later..... The root of one of the front teeth finally breathed its last breathe and died.. leaving me with a nasty infection and having to get a Root Canal!
Well, everyone that I talked 2 said that Root Canals are no big deal and dentristy has come a long way baby! I was still extremely nervous! 9:00 AM on Friday came all to soon, and the next thing I know I am laying on the dentist table and almost crying because I a so scared. Then the dentist says the magic words... Would I like some happy gas before the shot?? Who wouldn't want happy gas! So they hook it up over my nose and I breathe.. then about 10 seconds into it I feel REALLY happy. So I do what comes naturally and give my dentist 2 thumbs up and say "I am feeling great.. do whatever you gotta do"!! Well she starts laughing and drags out the HUGE needle! Luckily... I was HAPPY!!!

About 15 minutes into the procedure.. I see a very worried look on the dentists face. She asks if I am OK now and if she can take the happy gas off. Regretfully... I tell her I'm OK and take it off. Needless to say that 3 hours later and a whole lot of discomfort she finishes. She had to make 2 incisions and I had to have 5 shots! She also said that this was one of worst and most difficult Root canals ever! I am left very sore and with stitches in my mouth. She gave me some great pain meds, antibiotics and something for swelling because she said that she was pretty rough on my face. Honestly, I already knew that because at one point she was physically pulling me off the chair from my mouth. With it all over and done. I can say that I will not be doing this again in a VERY long time!!

1 comment:

The Mom behind the Chaos said...

I can so relate..a few weeks ago, I went in for a root canal and I NEVER want to do that again!! Yeah...2 trips with 1 1/2 to 2 hours each time...7 shots each time...HATE IT!!!

Thanks for sharing..I am glad to know that I am not the only person to have a tough time with what everyone else seems to breeze thru!!